Get Ahead of Alignment Issues With Preventive Options

Dentofacial orthopedics focuses on guiding facial growth and development, particularly in children. This treatment addresses the positioning of the jaw and facial bones. It lays the foundation for a healthy bite and balanced appearance.

By the age of 7, you should bring your child in for an orthodontic checkup, as recommend by the American Association of Orthodontists. At this age, your dentist can spot subtle issues with jaw growth and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still present. They may recommend a customized oral appliance that will:

  • Widen the upper jaw
  • Guide jaw development
  • Reposition the lower jaw
  • Manage tooth eruption

Dentofacial orthopedics typically has different phases. The first phase will begin by focusing on guiding jaw growth and making room for permanent teeth. Then, after a period of allowing your child’s smile to grow, the next phase may involve other orthodontic options. Your dentist will review the entire process. You will know just what to expect before we begin.

In addition, because we know you might be concerned about affordability, your dentist will discuss any costs related to treatment. Our practice accepts many forms of insurance and will help you maximize your benefits. We also have third-party financing available.

Call 760-276-5476 for dentofacial orthopedics in Cathedral City. You can also ​​schedule online.