Find a Long-Lasting Solution to Your Dry Mouth Problem

10 0, 000 GAL L ONS Humans produce over 100,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime. Source.
Dry mouth can result from various factors. Certain medications, cancer treatments, medical conditions, or simply aging can all cause the problem. Regardless, it’s important to address this issue promptly to maintain your oral health.

Depending on your needs, your dentist may recommend:

  • Lifestyle Modifications – Your dentist will provide guidance on simple changes you can make to your life. Increasing daily hydration, using a humidifier, and limiting alcohol or caffeine can all reduce the symptom.
  • Oral Hygiene Products – Your dentist may suggest specialized oral care products formulated for dry mouth. Certain toothpastes or mouth rinses can all provide dry mouth relief.
  • Regular Checkups – You may need more frequent dental visits to monitor your oral health closely. Your dentist may suggest you return more often for a cleaning and exam to prevent complications associated with dry mouth.

In some cases, chronic dry mouth may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. If your dentist suspects this might be the case, they may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

Call 760-276-5476 if you have dry mouth in Cathedral City. You can also ​​schedule online.